Thursday, March 1, 2012

Acrobatic airplane

So that's what I'm working on right now. I have to test the structure (that I have to draw in the computer using AutoCad or something similar) and try to "break" it using some simulations and tests with a structure analisys program that we have at the university :)
Yes, I know I have been some days without writing, but I have been very busy. Some projects are getting done, She is living with me (thing that I love, to be honest) and things seem to go really fine over here.

I let you a picture of the small but funny airplane that I have to analize:

Be awesome!


  1. Hej grabben!
    Det låter spännande det du håller på med i dina studier nu. Simones mormor hälsar till dig och Simone, hon hoppas att det ska gå bra för dig och läsa svenska, också. Här i Sverige har våren börjat. Vädret är helt underbart.

    kram mamma anne

  2. It's so nice to see you every day, min älskling.
    Te quiero mucho <3
