Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Sex laxar i en laxask

More or less, this was the first thing I knew in Svenska haha.

Missing day, today it wasn't the best day ever, studying, but it's too hot to study, I'm sweating all time even with my fan... But whatever. I adjusted my guitar in a 5 minutes rest, so probably I'll record something after exams, or maybe on monday (Mandag).

So well, I hope that the universitary girl is having fun today hehe.

Jag saknar dig älskling, vi kommer att klara detta med avståndet.

Let's put some awesome and great music:

I'll try at least to put an awesome song everyday, if I can get the computer :)

Be water my friend!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Some music

Just some music, I'm studying a lot, my first exam is on Thursday (Lorsdag?)
I'm working on Svenska, it is easyer than Spanish in the structure, I find it logical, but I have a lack of vocabulary...

What else to say... Just hold on, I'm building an aeroplane to go there haha.

Monday, August 2, 2010


What is the distance?
In my opinion it's just patience, time and money to travel where you are.
Now there is a big distance between you and me, but we are stronger than that, even that far away I feel you so close to me, so inside of me. Cause you are there, you are in my heart.

There are people, and there will be more people, who will try to "advice" us, saying that it can't work. Maybe they couldn't do it, but we can. I know me and I know you. I'm missing you so much...

So, let's do it awesome!

Many kyssar till min flycka