Monday, March 5, 2012

Enjoying life

So that's what we did yesterday, to enjoy life.
To go for a walk over this city, enjoying the great weather that we have now (like Swedish Summer) and just relaxing and taking it easy.
The weather is hot enough to enjoy an ice-cream, so that's what we had for "merienda" (kind of "fika"). Right now I'm very hungry, wanting to go home and eat for real (I had an apple).

The rest is fine, she is still living with me (also looking for apartments, which is fine, of course), so I see her everyday and she cheers me up like only she is able to. Studies are fine, still waiting for some marks (lazy teachers) and planning things like a travel with her to some nice place in Andalucía.

Just that for today, be awesome!


  1. Ser att ni har en mycket härlig tid med varandra. Det är roligt och läsa och följa dig och Simone. Synd bara att Simone är lite lat med att skriva på sin blogg. Andrès, förlåt om jag skriver på svenska, men jag försöker bara med att göra dig nyfiken på de nya orden, hoppas att de inte gör något. Kram från mamma Anne till dig och Simone

  2. My so sweet babe, te quiero <3
