Thursday, November 8, 2012

Idag har jag...

Done so many things.

Days here are quite long. Today was one of those long, busy days. This morning I woke up at 07:00 (as always) and went to the university, there I had a fast breakfast, studied for 2 hours and a half and then went to calculate some satellites orbits in the calculation center (a place with hundreds of computers in different rooms).

From there I went directly to have lunch with a friend, coffee and back to work on a team project about the design of an organization that builds a small sportive airplane (sounds cool, it's not that cool, it has a lot of normatives and ugly stuff).

What was next? Class, from 15:30 to 20:30 with 2 rests, 15 minutes each. Then back home, workout (at home, I don't have time to go to a gym) shower and dinner with my family.

And now I'm here, with a lot of pappers in my desk and still a hundred things in my mind. And I'm writing because I am stealing time from working on the last aerodynamics project I have to do (before the end of December). Some exams are coming.

I'm not getting the job at my uni, but honestly, I don't think I have much time for it right now, so I better finish my studies in July and then get an awesome job somewhere over the world (would love Sweden-Norwey). So this is going to be a weekend full of hard work on my things.

I may get a new laptop tomorrow (I have bought it, they just have to deliver it to me), quite powerfull (Intel i7, a good graphics card and 8gb of RAM memory) that will help me and save me so much time with my things and heavy calculation stuff. Actually I thought I could get everything done with my actual one (a small netbook) but obviously not.

And that's pretty much how my life is, always busy, always studying and/or working on projects. Let's just get rid of that :-)

But the most important thing is: I'm going to Sweden for New Years! I think there isn't anything as awesome as that :-D

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