Saturday, October 29, 2011

Her birthday

So, it's her birthday (well, it was yesterday but today is the party) and here I'm, at 4000 km from her alone at home and with a lot of dishes to wash.
For being honest I'm not feeling the best, I guess that's what happens when you are missing someone... No, I don't guess that, I know it because I have felt it since she left a year and 3 months ago.
The good thing is that, now, the day when we will finish this distance relationship is 1 year and 3 months closer. The day we will start everyday having bread with keso.

I love keso, that much that today I made my own Spanish keso with a fresh cheese we have here, it was so great, maybe a bit drier than Swedish one but still great. Isn't keso the perfect thing to put on your breakfast? I do think so. I miss so much the keso breakfasts with coffee. I do drink coffee here but it's not the same at all, there I had the best company I could ever ask for.

After telling my so full of adventures day I'll say goodbye until tomorrow or whenever I feel like writing (probably tomorow).
I hope you are having fun at your party Simone, you deserve it after these last days studying so hard.

Now I'll stop feeling sad to be awesome instead

1 comment:

  1. Du är den finaste pojken som finns, jag älskar dig så mycket <3
