Thursday, June 7, 2012

Guest post

Hi everybody,
as Andrés is incredibly busy these days I'm stepping in to write a post. The last weeks have been so busy for the both of us. We have been living a cave life in darkness and nothing but our books and all the other stuff we need to study. I'll be free next week, while he's still preparing for his first exam.
To study is the last thing anyone wants to do when the weather is great for going to the beach, but it is the way it is. I don't get how the "sevillanos" deal with this heat every year. The winters are cold (not extremely like in Sweden, but still cold) and there is no heat inside the houses. The summers are hot and you're too lazy to do anything. Well, He is not. He is studing so hard from 6 or 7 in the morning until 8 and maybe longer. I cannot say anything but that I'm so proud of him. I know that he gets a bit grumpy when it's very hot (like me when I'm hungry), but he's doing so well.
As you might have heard we're going to reward ourselves with a trip when the exam period is over. We'll escape the heat and head north - playa, sidra & pinxos!



1 comment:

  1. Tur att du har henne, det går och lita på henne. Hoppas att ni får det bra på eran semester.

    Kram till er båda från mamma Anne
