Saturday, May 14, 2011

Shaving world!

Here I'm, back to writing.
Simone bought me as a birthday present a shaving razor which is the classic stile of shaving thing. It's something I always liked, that vintage way of shaving (you still can go to a straight razor, but I think I'm not ready for it yet). It's a modest wilkinson made of plastic but with a good quality and it's difficult to be hurt.

So, to complete the kit I bought a brush and some famous spanish soap special for shaving with brush, it gives you a way heavier foam that makes the blade to really glide and cut the hair without you noticing it!
The result is that I have my face as a baby butt, soooo smooth!

Things are fine over here, just working a lot and taking little rest for that kind of things.

Be awesome!

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