Monday, February 23, 2015

Sobre mí: las cosas claras

Las cosas claras.

Los chuletones poco hechos, el vino tinto y el whisky solo. La cerveza fría, los amigos de verdad. Las sonrisas sinceras, las palabras directas y sin dobles sentidos. Puntualidad, respeto y honestidad. Ni falsos humildes ni prepotentes.

El trabajo duro, que te haga esforzarte al máximo. Y la verdad siempre por delante en todos los sentidos. No soporto a la gente que trata de engañar, a la que se escabulle ni a los que llegan tarde. No creo en la suerte fuera de lo que el propio azar significa en, por ejemplo, un juego de dados o la lotería.

No entiendo el arte moderno. Prefiero las cosas que requieren un esfuerzo y no dos brochazos en un lienzo en blanco. Podéis llamarme ignorante pero siempre preferiré un Monet a cualquier gafapasta ruso que le ha quitado (o dado) rotuladores a su hijo de 3 años.

Me encanta la comida, en especial la carne. No quiero ni leche de soja ni de coco. Me gusta el café caliente, las tostadas con aceite, tomate natural y jamón. Me aburren las ensaladas y los precocinados. Entiendo a los que no quieran comer animales, pero no a los que defienden que un plato vegetariano es más sano por ser vegetariano, ni a los que ven el ser vegetariano como algo mejor.

Detesto el marketing, la publicidad y a los vendehumos. Evito ver la tele por este motivo. Prefiero tener el control, también en este ámbito, de lo que veo. Disfruto tomando decisiones, analizar las distintas opciones. Disfruto del camino y del destino.

Me gusta conducir y me encanta volar, pilotar un pequeño avión es algo inigualable. Uno de mis mayores sueños es diseñar, construir y pilotar mi propio avión, algo que ya ha empezado a hacerse una realidad.

Me apasiona saber cómo funcionan las cosas, desmembrar lo más complejo posible en pequeños mecanismos simples para volver a montarlo en mi cabeza y tener una idea clara de todo el proceso, desde el simple funcionamiento de un motor hasta ver cómo un negocio es rentable o no.

Y divertirme. Dar un paseo con mi chica, ir al cine, jugar a los bolos, hacer snowboard, tomar una cerveza con los amigos, jugar un partido de pádel o de fútbol, cocinar en una barbacoa... Trato de disfrutar de cada momento de placer que tengo y sacarle todo el jugo.

Sunday, December 21, 2014


So, if I thought that 2013 was a great year, this one was even better! Lots of changes, lots of achievements and lots of great people around me.

Situation at the begining of the year:

 - Started the year studying a master and working at the greatest aerospace company in Europe (Airbus) as an intern.
 - Continued living with my parents (yes, I know...).
 - I was 24 at the begining of the year.
 - Started the year in Sweden, in the beautiful Stockholm with my so beautiful Simone and her very nice friends.

Current situation:

 - Got my master degree (my 2nd one in the European system) and said goodbye to a lot of people from work that somehow will always come with me.
 - Got a job at a subcontractor of Airbus to go to Bremen.
 - Moved to Bremen!
 - Got my first flat, which is small (35 sqm) but nice and big enough for one.
 - Visited Hamburg.
 - Improved my German.
 - Turned 25, I'm so much wiser and mature than before... Not really.
 - Back home for Christmas (like the "turrón", a Spanish sweet that we only eat at Christmas).
 - Tickets to go to Sweden again all ready to go.
 - Still having great people around me.
 - And my family is finally going to Sweden!

So, very positive balance, lots of changes but one constant thing: people around me. Fact of which I am very grateful. But still have some things to do!

 - Watch the last movie of The Hobbit.
 - Find a restaurant for dinner in New Year's Eve in Stockholm.
 - Find a substitute to "the Pirate Bay".
 - Find a car (that will be moved to 2015).

See you in Sweden!

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Greetings from Germany

So the adventure for this one continues in Germany, in a small and charming city called Bremen. I came here because of work, starting on a completly new project that will last a long time, hopefully.

People here are being so nice, contrary to what most spaniards think. I really feel welcome and appreciated. Some pics of the city:

One of the branchs of the river.

Christmas market by the city hall.

Myself, first day in my first flat.

So yes, things are going great over here, waiting for Christmas to come so I can see both my family and my sweet girl. Today, for our 5th anniversary I went to IKEA, a small piece of her country that can be found almost anywhere and that is always a welcome sight. There I could dream alive about how our future home would be (and also found that 90% of my flat furniture is from there).

Be awesome!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Leaving to Germany!

So that's it, my adventure in Spain is reaching to an end. I know I haven't writen here much, but here you have a small summary:

 - This last year I have been working at Airbus and studying a master offered by that company, at the same time.
 - That contract has finished, so I was unemployed.
 - A week after that, I got a call for an interview.
 - Some phone calls, medical tests and so, I have got a new job for which I'll go to Bremen, at the North of Germany.

In the meanwhile I have also been looking for a car and so, here in Spain, but that has to stop since I'm moving. I need an awesome car for the awesome guy!

This new job will have some training here in Spain during the second part of November, right after I come back from England, where Simone is. Then, they want me to get a training in Bremen for a month and that's it, time to work for real from 01/2015.

Exciting project and facts to happen ahead of me. Of course I will open a new blog in which I'll write my adventures there. It's time now to make a list of the things I need to take care of before I leave.

Be awesome!

Saturday, October 4, 2014

And life goes on

That's it, life always goes on and the world continues spinning.

What's new could you ask? Well, I'm still not ready to tell my summer in Sweden, which was great, but there are things over here going on:

 - Master thesis: Finished and handed in, it cost me 17 days from the start till the end, awesome, huh?
 - Work: Still working and it seems I'm more wanted than ever. When my contracts ends in a couple of weeks they are going to miss me. Anyways my boss is trying to pull the strings for me to stay around :-)
 - Girlfriend: In England right now. Missing her so very much...
 - Awesome brother: Studying to be an Aerospace Engineer!
 - Car: Still don't have it, but it seems I have an agreement with the seller of this one:

Yes, it is small and a 2 seater, but in my actual one I only use 1 seat out of 5, except when I have to drive my brother somewhere, which is going to end because he is getting his licence :-)

Just a short summary of my life, to keep my readers updated. I'm right now planning a visit to England ^^

Be awesome!