Saturday, September 14, 2013

Next project: Aviation blog

I finally confessed to somebody else than mi chica the fact that I am thinking about writing a new blog only about aviation. There I'd write mostly about what I know: Airplanes, how they work, how and why they flight, their systems, curiosities and so on. That wouldn't mean me not writing here, I will keep this alive (as much as I can, I'm busy even now that I'm unemployed).

This person I spoke with was my very good friend Ricardo, an university pal who I have worked a lot with the last years of my education. He is a bit miarma but that's fine, reliable guy ;-)

Talking about aviation, do you know that I piloted an airplane this Summer? Probably most of you know that, but this is the story with a couple of pictures:

This is the airplane itself.

So one afternoon at the beach a friend of mine got a call from a friend of his, his friend wanted my friend to fly and he told me so. Since he didn't remember what I am I told him: "hey, do you know that I'm an aerospace engineer?" that led into him telling his friend that I was an engineer and I got an invitation to fly!

The airplane was built by the owner, Mario, following instructions and having it checked by an engineer like me. That's something I have wanting to do for some years now, but I first have to find a job and time before I start building my own airplane.

And this is what you see when you are inside.

In the air I just could not stop smiling, it's honestly one of the best feelings ever. You feel just free to move in whatever direction. This first time I got to fly it in a straight line and do a couple of smooth turns, I think I couldn't stop smiling after that for the rest of the day. Definetly to fly is something that everyone should experience at least once in their lifes.

So that was today's update. The second best thing in my Summer, the best one was when mi chica came to me from the North Pole.

Be awesome and Keep Pushing!

1 comment:

  1. You are so sweet min babe. We will see what happens to your airplane plans...
