Saturday, December 8, 2012

18 days

Woah, time seems to fly a bit over here, doesn't it?
I know I don't write much, but I have to work on a lot of things at the same time: exams, projects, thesis, my mental health, my health in general...

Exams: I have to study for them, I have already had some of them, they are not the most important ever (the real evaluatio is in the end of January-beginning of February) but they can make me pass a couple of subject, which would mean less work for me to do in Christmas.

Projects: A few of them going on; structures, flight mechanics and aeronautical organizationg design. They are just ok, I don't have much time for that, actually...

Thesis: There it is, it makes me work a bit more, not the most difficult but such a time-eater.

Health: I try to not to get crazy or fat, I barely have time to work out, but well, we do what we can.

And I'm getting things ready for my next visit to Sweden, that I'm expecting so much, I can't wait to have Her close to me, to say hej to Her family, friends, to see the snow falling and the white views because of the snow, frozen lakes and cold weather while you are warm inside. I think that's a great feeling.

Picture: Me teaching fluid mechanics to some classmates and to the teacher, that didn't seem to agree with my opinion, so I had to demonstrate it (and of course I did!). He really liked my explanation and my mates... At least they had fun :-)

I have decided that eventually I'd love to teach, as a part time thing, like once or twice a week. I felt so happy after my small class (it wasn't more than 15 minutes). To teach is something that I have always liked.

Be awesome and keep pushing, the goal is a bit closer every day.

1 comment:

  1. Much to do as always. I can't wait for your visit <3
