Thursday, September 13, 2012

Plugga plugga! a estudiar!

Jag pluggar svenska ocksâ!
Att plugga, to study, that's what I have to do for less than a week more. I have an exam tomorrow, another on Monday and the last one on Wednesday. I have studied for a while now to prepare those exams so I hope it goes fine.
After that I have a few days here to get things ready to go to Sweden, things like to study Swedish intensively just in case I need it (it could happen), university things such as scolarships (that I never get despite I pass more than enough subjects to get it, but trying is free so...) a couple of pappers and that's all, but it must be done.
Today is the day in which She and me have been together for 2 years and 9 months, that's such a while and I want it to continue forever :-)
Be awesome!


  1. 2 years and 9 months with the sweetest boy on the planet <3
    te quiero mi vida!

  2. Bra Andrès, du försöker verkligen med svenskan! Snart är du i Sverige utan att vi träffas men hoppas att ni får det trevligt.

    kram anne
