Thursday, August 25, 2011

Back in Sevilla

So, finally I arrived here and I have something similar to internet (I had more speed 5 years ago), but it's enough to write a few things for you.
Like all my whole life, I'm ultra busy. I have 5 exams to do, the first is in a week, but even with that I'll try to update as often as I can. The first I'll do is to tell how was my holidays in Sweden (ultra-awesome), not the everyday diary but well, just to let here how was it and the main things and experiences (and food, I love Swedish food) I could share with the best girlfriend in the world and her family, that behaved so good with me and I'm glad they are that way.
My days in Málaga weren't the best, I have to say. I spent too many days alone in a big house studying (or trying to study sometimes). I miss my time there too much, things happened like I can't finish my career in Sweden, if you join that to spend a lot of hours everyday completly alone and thinking... Well, it hasn't been the best month for me ever.
But now things are going fine, I'm in my room (which is so hot, as always), studying for the incoming exams and missing Simone. She is coming in October and I don't know when I'll be able to go there, I hope soon too.
Oh, and I played the guitar today after more than 8 months without! My fingers hurt like the first days hehe.

I hope you all are fine, keep awesomeness in you

1 comment:

  1. Quiero que me cuentes más de tus vacaciones en Suecia! :)
    Te quiero <3

