I hope you all are having nice holidays :)
Here is cold (from 7 to 9 degrees, yes, that's considered cold in Sevilla) but it's being a good time. We had dinner in family last night, we ate fish (a big one for each one) and today we are having awesome meat for lunch.
So, what did I got for Christmas? I got a new calculator (yes, I have been calculating things all day, but it's awesome!), a pair of very warm zapatillas and a pair of thin (but warm) gloves. They are not thick as my snowboard gloves (that are the one that I'll need there) but they work very good for Spanish winter :)
Later we will go to the cinema! :)
Have awesome holidays!
Oh! When I came back home last night I discovered Santa Claus putting presents under the tree!!
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Another kick in the ass!
Whicn means "I have passed another exam!" This is the one I did a month ago, now I'm waiting to know the mark of the last Tuesday exam.
I have 2 projects to do in Christmas and 5 exams to study for, so I don't have much free time (like always), I think I like this rhythm.
If I'm doing nothing I feel I'm wasting time, so I do things hehe
Hello to everyone in that frozen and beautiful country (I have seen it throught pictures)
Manga pussar till min fina flicka :)
I have 2 projects to do in Christmas and 5 exams to study for, so I don't have much free time (like always), I think I like this rhythm.
If I'm doing nothing I feel I'm wasting time, so I do things hehe
Hello to everyone in that frozen and beautiful country (I have seen it throught pictures)
Manga pussar till min fina flicka :)
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
1 year and a day
And I'm missing you so much.
I can't wait to see you again, let's try to go there in February hehe!
So, things things things, work. A lot of work in the uni. I kicked one exam's ass so much, I'm waiting to see if I kicked another and I hope to kick another one on Tuesday.
Short blog, awesome days!
I can't wait to see you again, let's try to go there in February hehe!
So, things things things, work. A lot of work in the uni. I kicked one exam's ass so much, I'm waiting to see if I kicked another and I hope to kick another one on Tuesday.
Short blog, awesome days!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
She left
So here we are today, Wednesday. She left yesterday at 6:30 am, which means that we slept so little.
This week has been far away the most awesome week (and a couple of days) since she was living here. What did we do?
First I went to Málaga by train on Saturday, travelled to the airport and waited there. I was really expectating and then I saw her. It was really incredible. It's an imposible to describe feeling.
What about the week? Well, we lived together here in Sevilla. We went to my uni to study there and make our uni things there, she had to make some big paper and I had to go to class and work in the lab and those things that I do there hehe.
Apart of that, she had her birthday present, we had so many good times. We had some kind of fika in the center of Sevilla, walked together like we used to do. Walked in a park... And one of the most important things, booked a flight for me to go to Stockholm Skavsta on February the 8th!
So after so many moments together that happened so fast she had to go back home. But surprise surprise, a couple of hours before we left Sevilla to go to Málaga, air controllers in airports of all Spain made an illegal strike. Not allowing any flight in the Spanish air space, which includes Málaga and its airport.
So after a night of almost non-sleeping we came back from the airport to my house in Málaga, with a new plane-ticket for Tuesday. Bad but good at the same time. We were going to have a few days more together, that we used to climb until a church on the top of the montain where my village is, to see Málaga in Christmas lights, Málaga cathedral. To eat so tipical things from Spain and Málaga like "montaditos", "garbanzos", "tortitas de bacalao" and "pescaito frito". She also got a ham sandwich cooked by me (I'm great cooking sandwhiches hehe).
That was like a very awesome break from my university life (in which I'm full-time working now again) that let me see that what we have is much more valious than gold or any other thing that you can see in this or other world out of there in the space. Now we now when we will see each other again. I'm so impatient to go there, see so many things, the snow, the trees (were we don't have that much amount of trees), the cold, lakes and, of course, to meet all Simone's family and friends :)
Now I'll have lunch, today it is a not-working day here in Spain, so I have all day long to study and write emails to her hehe.
Be awesome!
This week has been far away the most awesome week (and a couple of days) since she was living here. What did we do?
First I went to Málaga by train on Saturday, travelled to the airport and waited there. I was really expectating and then I saw her. It was really incredible. It's an imposible to describe feeling.
What about the week? Well, we lived together here in Sevilla. We went to my uni to study there and make our uni things there, she had to make some big paper and I had to go to class and work in the lab and those things that I do there hehe.
Apart of that, she had her birthday present, we had so many good times. We had some kind of fika in the center of Sevilla, walked together like we used to do. Walked in a park... And one of the most important things, booked a flight for me to go to Stockholm Skavsta on February the 8th!
So after so many moments together that happened so fast she had to go back home. But surprise surprise, a couple of hours before we left Sevilla to go to Málaga, air controllers in airports of all Spain made an illegal strike. Not allowing any flight in the Spanish air space, which includes Málaga and its airport.
So after a night of almost non-sleeping we came back from the airport to my house in Málaga, with a new plane-ticket for Tuesday. Bad but good at the same time. We were going to have a few days more together, that we used to climb until a church on the top of the montain where my village is, to see Málaga in Christmas lights, Málaga cathedral. To eat so tipical things from Spain and Málaga like "montaditos", "garbanzos", "tortitas de bacalao" and "pescaito frito". She also got a ham sandwich cooked by me (I'm great cooking sandwhiches hehe).
That was like a very awesome break from my university life (in which I'm full-time working now again) that let me see that what we have is much more valious than gold or any other thing that you can see in this or other world out of there in the space. Now we now when we will see each other again. I'm so impatient to go there, see so many things, the snow, the trees (were we don't have that much amount of trees), the cold, lakes and, of course, to meet all Simone's family and friends :)
Now I'll have lunch, today it is a not-working day here in Spain, so I have all day long to study and write emails to her hehe.
Be awesome!
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Day arrived!
So, here we are after dinner with svenskita flicka and now we (me) will interview her!
A: How are you? How was the flight?
S: I am doing fantastic, here in the sofa next to my fina pojke<3 And the flight... Well, it was ok, pretty boring to be on a plane for 4 hours, but I knew that it would all be worth it for some time with my pojke :)
A: What did you feel when you saw him waiting to you in the airport?
S: I was overwhelmed by so many feelings! I was feeling so happy and yes, I cried a little, but it is great to be back with him. I think he felt that I was happy when he saw me and I could not speak, just show my feelings through hugs and kisses.
A: He couldn't talk either, so many things to say. How was your day today with him?
S: It was a great day! To wake up with him was so wonderful! Later in the day we took the metro to Sevilla and went for a walk before my sweet boy invited me for lunch, so very romantic! I loved that! It's so great to spend time with him! <3!
A: He is so fascinated to spend days of his life with you too. Now let's check some pictures from the past.
Let's stop writing and enjoy our time here :)
Have an awesome day! But I'm pretty sure it won't be as awesome as mine!
A: How are you? How was the flight?
S: I am doing fantastic, here in the sofa next to my fina pojke<3 And the flight... Well, it was ok, pretty boring to be on a plane for 4 hours, but I knew that it would all be worth it for some time with my pojke :)
A: What did you feel when you saw him waiting to you in the airport?
S: I was overwhelmed by so many feelings! I was feeling so happy and yes, I cried a little, but it is great to be back with him. I think he felt that I was happy when he saw me and I could not speak, just show my feelings through hugs and kisses.
A: He couldn't talk either, so many things to say. How was your day today with him?
S: It was a great day! To wake up with him was so wonderful! Later in the day we took the metro to Sevilla and went for a walk before my sweet boy invited me for lunch, so very romantic! I loved that! It's so great to spend time with him! <3!
A: He is so fascinated to spend days of his life with you too. Now let's check some pictures from the past.
Let's stop writing and enjoy our time here :)
Have an awesome day! But I'm pretty sure it won't be as awesome as mine!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Svensk food!
I'm learning about Swedish culture hehe, well, about the food, which is one of the things I most like in the world haha.
Well, I'm working a lot on the university. Class are hard but well, I prefer them hard cause if not I get bored and don't study.
Just 9 days until min flicka arrive. So impatient.
Oh, I found that I liked how the "Flygande Jacob" looks, it's like a svensk-awesome lasagna haha. Well, that's a bit of what I can say. I read a lot of things about meals and drinks in Sweden.
Have awesome days!
Well, I'm working a lot on the university. Class are hard but well, I prefer them hard cause if not I get bored and don't study.
Just 9 days until min flicka arrive. So impatient.
Oh, I found that I liked how the "Flygande Jacob" looks, it's like a svensk-awesome lasagna haha. Well, that's a bit of what I can say. I read a lot of things about meals and drinks in Sweden.
Have awesome days!
Sunday, November 14, 2010
12 days, 11 months
What I think about mostly hehe.
What to do in a weekend? Just study, watch the Formula 1 and study again! I have the first exam on Tuesday, let's see how it goes :)
What to tell the world... I'm waiting so much the moment I see her again. We will be together the day that we met, but a year after we met, that's so great!
More things... F1! Not good for Alonso (favourite racer) but Red Bull Racing did such a great thing today! They focused the attention in Mark Webber and made Vettel to win the championship! It's like a magic trick, you focus people attention in left hand while you change the card with the right. They just played with Ferrari.
Be awesome!
What to do in a weekend? Just study, watch the Formula 1 and study again! I have the first exam on Tuesday, let's see how it goes :)
What to tell the world... I'm waiting so much the moment I see her again. We will be together the day that we met, but a year after we met, that's so great!
More things... F1! Not good for Alonso (favourite racer) but Red Bull Racing did such a great thing today! They focused the attention in Mark Webber and made Vettel to win the championship! It's like a magic trick, you focus people attention in left hand while you change the card with the right. They just played with Ferrari.
Be awesome!
Monday, November 8, 2010
What do I do on Mondays? Nice question my awesome reader!
I start the day at 7:00, tidy my room a bit, open windows (it's not cold here, well, it's getting cold but I stand it perfectly, from 11ºC to 18ºC, awesome temperature), wash my face with cold water and say hello to everybody in my house except my bro, which is still lazy in bed with his door open. Incredible! 7:00 it's the perfect hour to wake up! 7 is an awesome number, not like 8 which can be divided by 2 and 4.
I study for like a half an hour until 8, then I have first breakfast. Coffee to make my brain work, between 2 and 4 slices of bread with something on it and if I feel like, something sweet like cookies (en español: galletas). I brush my teeth and it's 8:30. Then I study fluids mechanics till 11:00, I stop and I have my second breakfast, a sandwich and maybe another coffee or a tea (I found that it's awesome too). Continue with fluids mechanics until 13:30 when I start cooking.
I have to be honest. I don't really cook, well, maybe fried potatoes. I just warm the food and eat it, which is my favourite part. I love eating food that I have cooked/warmed. Also food that other people have cooked. I follow the mediterranean diet but I eat enough to feed 1 and a half normal people cause I'm always hungry!
Then go to the uni, lot of traffic, people are really bad at driving! It's like if they had no hands or something and they drive with the mouth on the steering wheel! Whatever, I arrive to the parking, park and go to a computer to write something to Simone.
Class, a lot of class and then more class (well, today only 2, 3 hours of class, but they are heavy). Go back home and then that's the monent of the day. I'm in my car with the awesome temperature. It's already night and city lights are on. I drive over a very big bridge from which you can see all the city and it starts to sound in the radio "Wish you were here" from one of my favourites groups ever "Pink Floyd". Just driving feeling the air, having a brain-rest and listening to such a master piece of art.
Then arrive home, study a bit more untill I have to go to swim and today it was the hardest training ever! I'm getting more in fit (that's why I need to eat that much, cause training is hard and makes me be always hungry). Go back home, have dinner (¡tortilla de patatas!) put swimming things to dry and voila, it's 23:00 and another day less to see min fin, söt flicka.
That's what there is about me, that's why I'm that busy. But I need that, I need to do things or otherwise I'd be bored. So if I don't write that much in the blog now you know why!
Have awesome days and enjoy life, even winter can be awesome!
I start the day at 7:00, tidy my room a bit, open windows (it's not cold here, well, it's getting cold but I stand it perfectly, from 11ºC to 18ºC, awesome temperature), wash my face with cold water and say hello to everybody in my house except my bro, which is still lazy in bed with his door open. Incredible! 7:00 it's the perfect hour to wake up! 7 is an awesome number, not like 8 which can be divided by 2 and 4.
I study for like a half an hour until 8, then I have first breakfast. Coffee to make my brain work, between 2 and 4 slices of bread with something on it and if I feel like, something sweet like cookies (en español: galletas). I brush my teeth and it's 8:30. Then I study fluids mechanics till 11:00, I stop and I have my second breakfast, a sandwich and maybe another coffee or a tea (I found that it's awesome too). Continue with fluids mechanics until 13:30 when I start cooking.
I have to be honest. I don't really cook, well, maybe fried potatoes. I just warm the food and eat it, which is my favourite part. I love eating food that I have cooked/warmed. Also food that other people have cooked. I follow the mediterranean diet but I eat enough to feed 1 and a half normal people cause I'm always hungry!
Then go to the uni, lot of traffic, people are really bad at driving! It's like if they had no hands or something and they drive with the mouth on the steering wheel! Whatever, I arrive to the parking, park and go to a computer to write something to Simone.
Class, a lot of class and then more class (well, today only 2, 3 hours of class, but they are heavy). Go back home and then that's the monent of the day. I'm in my car with the awesome temperature. It's already night and city lights are on. I drive over a very big bridge from which you can see all the city and it starts to sound in the radio "Wish you were here" from one of my favourites groups ever "Pink Floyd". Just driving feeling the air, having a brain-rest and listening to such a master piece of art.
Then arrive home, study a bit more untill I have to go to swim and today it was the hardest training ever! I'm getting more in fit (that's why I need to eat that much, cause training is hard and makes me be always hungry). Go back home, have dinner (¡tortilla de patatas!) put swimming things to dry and voila, it's 23:00 and another day less to see min fin, söt flicka.
That's what there is about me, that's why I'm that busy. But I need that, I need to do things or otherwise I'd be bored. So if I don't write that much in the blog now you know why!
Have awesome days and enjoy life, even winter can be awesome!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Getting a ticket to Skavsta
I'll book with Ryanair, so to Skavsta.
They asked what do I want as a Christmas present and I said a ticket to go to Sweden. I already said them like a month ago.
Tickets for February are still cheap but I'd loose a week of class. That week is not really important but I'm not the one who decide the dates. They said me to go there in Semana Santa, which is in April.
I want you to know that I'm going there, but since I'm not the one who have the money I'm not the one who decide when, please understand that. In Semana Santa is more expensive so I'll try to convince them.
That will be my first travel to Sweden. I'll full pay the second one and I'll decide when :)
I miss you Simone and want to see all your Swedish family and friends (and your father's car).
Be awesome!
They asked what do I want as a Christmas present and I said a ticket to go to Sweden. I already said them like a month ago.
Tickets for February are still cheap but I'd loose a week of class. That week is not really important but I'm not the one who decide the dates. They said me to go there in Semana Santa, which is in April.
I want you to know that I'm going there, but since I'm not the one who have the money I'm not the one who decide when, please understand that. In Semana Santa is more expensive so I'll try to convince them.
That will be my first travel to Sweden. I'll full pay the second one and I'll decide when :)
I miss you Simone and want to see all your Swedish family and friends (and your father's car).
Be awesome!
Monday, November 1, 2010
Seventh week.
I will start exams in two weeks, also have to work on computers and on the laboratory, the uni takes so much time, but whatever, I like it and I got a book for free (cause I'm sneaky and I copied it hehe).
My brain will complain, but whatever, I can always give him more coffee so he will work. I discovered that italian expresso coffee is my favourite kind of that awesome drink.
So, I'm in the middle of the way to end this first part of the course.
And the most awesome thing ever is that I'll see Simone in 26 days!
Have awesome days!
I will start exams in two weeks, also have to work on computers and on the laboratory, the uni takes so much time, but whatever, I like it and I got a book for free (cause I'm sneaky and I copied it hehe).
My brain will complain, but whatever, I can always give him more coffee so he will work. I discovered that italian expresso coffee is my favourite kind of that awesome drink.
So, I'm in the middle of the way to end this first part of the course.
And the most awesome thing ever is that I'll see Simone in 26 days!
Have awesome days!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Those first days
Those first days when we met.
Today I wrote "qimonogoesaupairing.blogg.se", instead of her actual blog, why? Cause I wrote that so many times in the past that it's still hard for me to write that she is in Sweden. 3 months since we shared those last moments in the bus station. But they aren't the last moments at all, just in her aupairing time here.
She will come here and I will go there. I know we will get it. I found that tickets aren't very expensive. Now I have to be on my studies a lot, cause I have exams in 3 weeks, then a bit of rest until a lot of exams in January-February.
Then I'll try to go :)
Even the most awesome guy in the earth miss his girl so much...
Today I wrote "qimonogoesaupairing.blogg.se", instead of her actual blog, why? Cause I wrote that so many times in the past that it's still hard for me to write that she is in Sweden. 3 months since we shared those last moments in the bus station. But they aren't the last moments at all, just in her aupairing time here.
She will come here and I will go there. I know we will get it. I found that tickets aren't very expensive. Now I have to be on my studies a lot, cause I have exams in 3 weeks, then a bit of rest until a lot of exams in January-February.
Then I'll try to go :)
Even the most awesome guy in the earth miss his girl so much...
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Awesome barbecue
So awesome aeronautic barbecue! Lot of people there, awesome people, also freaks and nerds, but whatever, what can you expect of a lot of engineering guys? There are going to be some freaks or nerds. But even them they are awesome :)
I love my girl, she is so sweet always (well, probably the people who read this know that). We have shared so many experiences together... My first summer trip without my family (and without boyscouts) was with her!
Well, not much more, I'm just working hard in the uni, a lot. Trying not to spend much money so I can go to Sweden, the frozen country, to see min flicka. This week hasn't been the best, I have a lack of sleep but I think now I'm fine, and girl is alone but talking with me a lot on the computer. So I'm trying to give her a bit of company :)
Just have awesome days always :)
I love my girl, she is so sweet always (well, probably the people who read this know that). We have shared so many experiences together... My first summer trip without my family (and without boyscouts) was with her!
Well, not much more, I'm just working hard in the uni, a lot. Trying not to spend much money so I can go to Sweden, the frozen country, to see min flicka. This week hasn't been the best, I have a lack of sleep but I think now I'm fine, and girl is alone but talking with me a lot on the computer. So I'm trying to give her a bit of company :)
Just have awesome days always :)
Friday, October 22, 2010
Not, definetly not
I love her so much, it's just hard sometimes cause the distance makes us miss too much :(
But I'm her boyfriend forever!
But I'm her boyfriend forever!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Getting cold
No! It's not my fantastic relationship or me just getting cold, is the weather, it's like from 8 to 23 degrees (I know, in Sweden that's summer or something), but here it's the signal that Winter will arrive soon.
Things happening... Lots, LOTS! of work to do, each time I do it I get more and more... I'm thinking on putting EUROAVIA in Sweden, it's an asociation of aeronautic and aerospacial engineering students all over Europe and you can travel to other countries with EUROAVIA for very cheap. Yes I want it only to travel to my chica hehe.
But I thought that I don't really need that, only time and the plane ticket! I need to continue working hard, a lot, in the uni. I think this is the best course I'm doing in that way, is the one which I'm working more on it.
And I have a motivation, she has green with some blue and a bit brown eyes and is the most beautiful girl in Earth!
She passed her first exam in the university and I'm so proud! I was afraid of her not passing it and get depressed or something, cause I know that uni is very different than high school and it doesn't care if you are clever or not, you can not pass exams...
But she did cause she worked on it! I always knew that she is clever :) Well, she has to be clever to have chosen the awesome guy!
So have nice days, work hard, smile and listen to rock music!
Things happening... Lots, LOTS! of work to do, each time I do it I get more and more... I'm thinking on putting EUROAVIA in Sweden, it's an asociation of aeronautic and aerospacial engineering students all over Europe and you can travel to other countries with EUROAVIA for very cheap. Yes I want it only to travel to my chica hehe.
But I thought that I don't really need that, only time and the plane ticket! I need to continue working hard, a lot, in the uni. I think this is the best course I'm doing in that way, is the one which I'm working more on it.
And I have a motivation, she has green with some blue and a bit brown eyes and is the most beautiful girl in Earth!
She passed her first exam in the university and I'm so proud! I was afraid of her not passing it and get depressed or something, cause I know that uni is very different than high school and it doesn't care if you are clever or not, you can not pass exams...
But she did cause she worked on it! I always knew that she is clever :) Well, she has to be clever to have chosen the awesome guy!
So have nice days, work hard, smile and listen to rock music!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
10 months with her
Since that day when we (really she) decided that was our official relationship start day. How many things have happened in such a long and short time. 10 months is a baby and a month, in Simone's way of counting periods of time, babys.
A period of my life which started in December of 2009. How many thoughts come to my mind when I think (thoughts when I think, clever guy...).
Today it's not being an easy day for me, is one of those days when you miss her so much that it hurts inside your chest, when you think how could good could it be to be sharing life right now with her... It only can hurts, anything else, cause you know you'd be the happiest man in the Earth.
So what do I have now? Ten months with the flika of my life, a billiom of memorys and a future. That's what is in my mind each minute of each hour I'm awake or asleep. I still don't know where. That will arrive when it has to arrive. But I'm sure who will be with me, the one who since I have met has always been with me. My best friend, the person I most care in my life.
A period of my life which started in December of 2009. How many thoughts come to my mind when I think (thoughts when I think, clever guy...).
Today it's not being an easy day for me, is one of those days when you miss her so much that it hurts inside your chest, when you think how could good could it be to be sharing life right now with her... It only can hurts, anything else, cause you know you'd be the happiest man in the Earth.
So what do I have now? Ten months with the flika of my life, a billiom of memorys and a future. That's what is in my mind each minute of each hour I'm awake or asleep. I still don't know where. That will arrive when it has to arrive. But I'm sure who will be with me, the one who since I have met has always been with me. My best friend, the person I most care in my life.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Pain after the race
Legs destroyed all weekend since Friday...
Trying to help the most lovely girl in the world and motivate her to find her way in life (a life with me, of course, cause I'm awesome).
The race was so f..ing (ups!) awesome! There were guy dressed like girls (big, very big, boobs girls) running, people saying "come on!! come on!!" on the sides of the streets in Sevilla and an awesome entry at the olimpic stadium with all the lights on!
I'll try to upload a video tonight, I recorded it while runing so you can see what I saw when I got into the Stadium after 12Km running.
I miss min flicka. Jag älskar her and everyone who reads this (but her more).
Awesome days!
Trying to help the most lovely girl in the world and motivate her to find her way in life (a life with me, of course, cause I'm awesome).
The race was so f..ing (ups!) awesome! There were guy dressed like girls (big, very big, boobs girls) running, people saying "come on!! come on!!" on the sides of the streets in Sevilla and an awesome entry at the olimpic stadium with all the lights on!
I'll try to upload a video tonight, I recorded it while runing so you can see what I saw when I got into the Stadium after 12Km running.
I miss min flicka. Jag älskar her and everyone who reads this (but her more).
Awesome days!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
I'll write this weekend more, tomorrow there is a race (running, not cars) in the night and I'll go :)
I just want to say that I'm alive, very busy and I miss Simone a lot. I'm swimming so I'm more in shape each day and try to play the guitar a little bit.
Simone's father probably will like my next song (or the next after the next), I saw in his facebook profile that we share some musical preferences :)
I really want to go to Sweden and see it, I have seen from the pictures that Simone's showed me that there are so amazing views everywhere!
Be awesome!
I just want to say that I'm alive, very busy and I miss Simone a lot. I'm swimming so I'm more in shape each day and try to play the guitar a little bit.
Simone's father probably will like my next song (or the next after the next), I saw in his facebook profile that we share some musical preferences :)
I really want to go to Sweden and see it, I have seen from the pictures that Simone's showed me that there are so amazing views everywhere!
Be awesome!
Monday, October 4, 2010
Ok, take it easy, relax, I'm back!
But I didn't go anywhere...
So, after hundreds, well, thousands of fans saying "awesomeguy, write again!!! You are so awesome!" I had to write to all of them :)
First a song I recorded this morning, I advice, it's not AC/DC but I think it's nice, happy and awesome:
Ok, now how I'm...
Busy, like always. That's the word. Busy and so deeply in love with Mrs Sophia Sally-Anne W. I miss her a lot, so very much. And I have to send her somethings! I think I'll just get ready them and when I go to the swimming pool or something send it. They aren't big things but nice ones :)
What's about my life? Busy again, tomorrow I'll be all day long from 8 till 20:30 in the uni, studying, working on computers and going to class. Then pick up my bro in the swimming pool, cook dinner, shower and free time to talk with her! She owns all my free time except when I go out, that she owns my mind all the time. Overall when I see other couples. I miss our closeness. To have her hand always in mine, crossing our fingers, hugging her tight to me when it's cold...
But all of that will arrive, I know, I hope she knows too :)
I don't really know what else to say, I had things in mind but since I swim (and I'm in shape again! that's great) and I study I'm tired in mind and body.
So, to all the billioms of fans that I have reading my blog, expectating, I say "have awesome days always".
When I'm sad I stop being sad and be awesome instead. Apply that to your lifes. If you can't focus then rest, have a coffee or an orange juice and go back to whatever you were doing.
So, after hundreds, well, thousands of fans saying "awesomeguy, write again!!! You are so awesome!" I had to write to all of them :)
First a song I recorded this morning, I advice, it's not AC/DC but I think it's nice, happy and awesome:
Ok, now how I'm...
Busy, like always. That's the word. Busy and so deeply in love with Mrs Sophia Sally-Anne W. I miss her a lot, so very much. And I have to send her somethings! I think I'll just get ready them and when I go to the swimming pool or something send it. They aren't big things but nice ones :)
What's about my life? Busy again, tomorrow I'll be all day long from 8 till 20:30 in the uni, studying, working on computers and going to class. Then pick up my bro in the swimming pool, cook dinner, shower and free time to talk with her! She owns all my free time except when I go out, that she owns my mind all the time. Overall when I see other couples. I miss our closeness. To have her hand always in mine, crossing our fingers, hugging her tight to me when it's cold...
But all of that will arrive, I know, I hope she knows too :)
I don't really know what else to say, I had things in mind but since I swim (and I'm in shape again! that's great) and I study I'm tired in mind and body.
So, to all the billioms of fans that I have reading my blog, expectating, I say "have awesome days always".
When I'm sad I stop being sad and be awesome instead. Apply that to your lifes. If you can't focus then rest, have a coffee or an orange juice and go back to whatever you were doing.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Like the first week
It's feeling like the first week you went away...
It's being really so hard to do whatever, I can't get you out of my mind, it's hurting inside my chest. I'm missing you.
All I need is just a hug, to have you so tight to me. To see you not only in pictures.
It hurts, it really hurts. I bet cause my feelings for you are so strong that physically affects me. I want to be with you, just that.
It's being really so hard to do whatever, I can't get you out of my mind, it's hurting inside my chest. I'm missing you.
All I need is just a hug, to have you so tight to me. To see you not only in pictures.
It hurts, it really hurts. I bet cause my feelings for you are so strong that physically affects me. I want to be with you, just that.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Svensk Hot Dogs!
Sverige is everywhere!
Almost my whole house is from IKEA! My bed is from IKEA, I built it, same with my desk, a little, awesome table and two chairs. I also got "Dokument" in the same colour as Simone! It was yesterday.
And now I'm eating Swedish! No, not people, just food. Well, maybe not even food. We had Hot Dogs and my family bought "rostad lök" and "svensk senap"! I don't know if mustard is considered food, but it was Swedish so...
What a day today. 7 o'clock beep beep! Stand up, wash your face and wake up, say good day to your family which goes to high school and work, study for a while. Make a coffee, 2 toasts with oil and ham, a donut and a banana. First breakfast it's done. Brush your teeth and go back to study. 11:30 So hungry again... Orange juice, another coffee and tuna sandwich. 2nd breakfast.
14:00 hungry again and family it's still gone so I heat 2 legs of chicken and potatoes that they left done for me last night. Brush teeth, suit up and drive to the university. Be there learning about spacial structures, very advanced maths, airport building and designing stuff, vibration on structures and machines and it's 20:30 so go back home, you have to pick up your father and go to the swimming pool before 21:00. Swim hard for a bit more than an hour, shower, dinner and wouh! it's 23:00 in the night.
Well done, your free time starts! Read Simone's so awesome and sweet emails, talk to her, write your blog cause you had Swedish food and then... Then it's now and I'll sleep in a while.
Motivation 8/10 (not 10 cause I'm tired)
Tiredness 10/10 (if the next you see is hqpoweufhñowue it's cause I fall asleep on the computer keyboard)
Simone's missing 29834293497249273472693691/10
Have an awesome nighghwiueioywaegfiwy... ZzZz...
Almost my whole house is from IKEA! My bed is from IKEA, I built it, same with my desk, a little, awesome table and two chairs. I also got "Dokument" in the same colour as Simone! It was yesterday.
And now I'm eating Swedish! No, not people, just food. Well, maybe not even food. We had Hot Dogs and my family bought "rostad lök" and "svensk senap"! I don't know if mustard is considered food, but it was Swedish so...
What a day today. 7 o'clock beep beep! Stand up, wash your face and wake up, say good day to your family which goes to high school and work, study for a while. Make a coffee, 2 toasts with oil and ham, a donut and a banana. First breakfast it's done. Brush your teeth and go back to study. 11:30 So hungry again... Orange juice, another coffee and tuna sandwich. 2nd breakfast.
14:00 hungry again and family it's still gone so I heat 2 legs of chicken and potatoes that they left done for me last night. Brush teeth, suit up and drive to the university. Be there learning about spacial structures, very advanced maths, airport building and designing stuff, vibration on structures and machines and it's 20:30 so go back home, you have to pick up your father and go to the swimming pool before 21:00. Swim hard for a bit more than an hour, shower, dinner and wouh! it's 23:00 in the night.
Well done, your free time starts! Read Simone's so awesome and sweet emails, talk to her, write your blog cause you had Swedish food and then... Then it's now and I'll sleep in a while.
Motivation 8/10 (not 10 cause I'm tired)
Tiredness 10/10 (if the next you see is hqpoweufhñowue it's cause I fall asleep on the computer keyboard)
Simone's missing 29834293497249273472693691/10
Have an awesome nighghwiueioywaegfiwy... ZzZz...
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
9 months
9 months together... The best I have ever had.
9 months, most of them we spent it together. Now we still are together, at least I feel so. Only thing is that our bodys are far away, but my mind and soul are yours.
I remember those first dates, when it was raining and we had to spend time in my car speaking Spanish hehe, I tryed to sell you like 6 or 7 jams haha and a bit of cheese.
I also was the guy from the library and maybe shoes shop.
You spoke very little Spanish then. When I left you in the bus station you were way better and we didn't need to do those little theatres, just speak.
You always said "oh, we need to have a Spanish day, just for speak Spanish", yes, we tried but we always finished speaking English and me trying to learn Swedish.
So many experiences... Travelling, visiting new cities, visiting my own city. Listening to AC/DC for first time in my life (in a concert, well, outside a concert).
We also had our fights, but I think everytime we have one we grow and become stronger. Now I feel the strongest in the planet, with the best girl ever.
Those are just a few of the big amount of memories I have from you. Like going out from a Sturbucks and that day it was sunny and you said you were a vampire. What a cute vampire!
So, to you, my far away flicka, jag saknar dig so much and I will go to you as soon as I can.
Manga kyssar till dig, min älskling :)
9 months, most of them we spent it together. Now we still are together, at least I feel so. Only thing is that our bodys are far away, but my mind and soul are yours.
I remember those first dates, when it was raining and we had to spend time in my car speaking Spanish hehe, I tryed to sell you like 6 or 7 jams haha and a bit of cheese.
I also was the guy from the library and maybe shoes shop.
You spoke very little Spanish then. When I left you in the bus station you were way better and we didn't need to do those little theatres, just speak.
You always said "oh, we need to have a Spanish day, just for speak Spanish", yes, we tried but we always finished speaking English and me trying to learn Swedish.
So many experiences... Travelling, visiting new cities, visiting my own city. Listening to AC/DC for first time in my life (in a concert, well, outside a concert).
We also had our fights, but I think everytime we have one we grow and become stronger. Now I feel the strongest in the planet, with the best girl ever.
Those are just a few of the big amount of memories I have from you. Like going out from a Sturbucks and that day it was sunny and you said you were a vampire. What a cute vampire!
So, to you, my far away flicka, jag saknar dig so much and I will go to you as soon as I can.
Manga kyssar till dig, min älskling :)
Friday, September 3, 2010
2 plus 2 = 4
So, 2 exams now, I think the one of today may be OK, in this university you really can't say "I did it OK" so I say that may be hehe.
2 exams left, one on Mandag (the first "a" should have a circle over it) and other a week after that one, so I have some time :)
Today after the exam I definetly adjusted the guitar, so maybe I'll go with "back in black" or "highway to hell" from AC/DC, or maybe just some blues solo from Joe Bonamassa, Eric Clapton or the Boss!
Jag saknar dig...
2 exams left, one on Mandag (the first "a" should have a circle over it) and other a week after that one, so I have some time :)
Today after the exam I definetly adjusted the guitar, so maybe I'll go with "back in black" or "highway to hell" from AC/DC, or maybe just some blues solo from Joe Bonamassa, Eric Clapton or the Boss!
Jag saknar dig...
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Sex laxar i en laxask
More or less, this was the first thing I knew in Svenska haha.
Missing day, today it wasn't the best day ever, studying, but it's too hot to study, I'm sweating all time even with my fan... But whatever. I adjusted my guitar in a 5 minutes rest, so probably I'll record something after exams, or maybe on monday (Mandag).
So well, I hope that the universitary girl is having fun today hehe.
Jag saknar dig älskling, vi kommer att klara detta med avståndet.
Let's put some awesome and great music:
I'll try at least to put an awesome song everyday, if I can get the computer :)
Be water my friend!
Missing day, today it wasn't the best day ever, studying, but it's too hot to study, I'm sweating all time even with my fan... But whatever. I adjusted my guitar in a 5 minutes rest, so probably I'll record something after exams, or maybe on monday (Mandag).
So well, I hope that the universitary girl is having fun today hehe.
Jag saknar dig älskling, vi kommer att klara detta med avståndet.
Let's put some awesome and great music:
I'll try at least to put an awesome song everyday, if I can get the computer :)
Be water my friend!
Monday, August 30, 2010
Some music
Just some music, I'm studying a lot, my first exam is on Thursday (Lorsdag?)
I'm working on Svenska, it is easyer than Spanish in the structure, I find it logical, but I have a lack of vocabulary...
What else to say... Just hold on, I'm building an aeroplane to go there haha.
I'm working on Svenska, it is easyer than Spanish in the structure, I find it logical, but I have a lack of vocabulary...
What else to say... Just hold on, I'm building an aeroplane to go there haha.
Monday, August 2, 2010
What is the distance?
In my opinion it's just patience, time and money to travel where you are.
Now there is a big distance between you and me, but we are stronger than that, even that far away I feel you so close to me, so inside of me. Cause you are there, you are in my heart.
There are people, and there will be more people, who will try to "advice" us, saying that it can't work. Maybe they couldn't do it, but we can. I know me and I know you. I'm missing you so much...
So, let's do it awesome!
Many kyssar till min flycka
In my opinion it's just patience, time and money to travel where you are.
Now there is a big distance between you and me, but we are stronger than that, even that far away I feel you so close to me, so inside of me. Cause you are there, you are in my heart.
There are people, and there will be more people, who will try to "advice" us, saying that it can't work. Maybe they couldn't do it, but we can. I know me and I know you. I'm missing you so much...
So, let's do it awesome!
Many kyssar till min flycka
Sunday, June 27, 2010
I heard them playing!!!
I think that's the most awesome thing in the world, well, the first would be to be inside the concert, but what we did was for free hehe

I have a bad new, about my car. The electric sistem for the direction failed (or maybe the electric engine, but I think it's the circuit...) and now to steer is hard (like the old car of my grandpa, which doesn't have any electric help on brakes or steering wheel). That's not the best thing ever...
Forgeting that things are pretty good, well, studying a lot (that's why I don't write here as much as I'd like) and trying to see Simone as much as I can, but always it's not as much as I'd like...
This week I have two exams, an oral (English) which I think it's easy and "Funtaments of Stadistics for Engineering" (maybe translation is not correct).
Let's find the Jack in the Love Train on a Highway to Hell, maybe after that we can come Back in Black since You Shoock me all Night Long (only AC/DC fans can understand that)
Have an awesome time!
I think that's the most awesome thing in the world, well, the first would be to be inside the concert, but what we did was for free hehe
I have a bad new, about my car. The electric sistem for the direction failed (or maybe the electric engine, but I think it's the circuit...) and now to steer is hard (like the old car of my grandpa, which doesn't have any electric help on brakes or steering wheel). That's not the best thing ever...
Forgeting that things are pretty good, well, studying a lot (that's why I don't write here as much as I'd like) and trying to see Simone as much as I can, but always it's not as much as I'd like...
This week I have two exams, an oral (English) which I think it's easy and "Funtaments of Stadistics for Engineering" (maybe translation is not correct).
Let's find the Jack in the Love Train on a Highway to Hell, maybe after that we can come Back in Black since You Shoock me all Night Long (only AC/DC fans can understand that)
Have an awesome time!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
That's for you
Once I said "I have to write you a song", well, I still have to. I improvised this for you, girl with green blue eyes (also a little brown).
I know I'm not the best guitar player, but I hope I can make you feel what I do while playing this.
I know I'm not the best guitar player, but I hope I can make you feel what I do while playing this.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Back in Black!
Like the best group ever in the earth: AC/DC
I'm back after a rest, the blog didn't dissapear, I just changed the name to "paoheahisufh" or something like that, but I'm try to keep it active. Well, more or less, cause I still have 4 exams left plus an English oral exam.
News: I have been 6 months with the best girl in the planet. Some people thought that the language was going to be a problem, but "Jag är Svensk!". Not really, but I'm learning some Swedish, I know how to ask for beer, I invented the word "laxsex" trying to say a fast sentence which is "Six laxar i en laxask" or something like that, at least that's how you would pronounce it. I find the Swedish logic, too many vocals, but logic hehe.
And I'm so glad to that girl. She makes me wake up smiling in the morning and helps me to study and work as hard as I can so I can have some free time to spend with her.
Anne (Simone's mother), I'd really like to go over there :) I think you can't imagine how much. I'll go as soon as I can, I promise.
That's all, I'm going back to study and try to solve a thing (I have the English exam the same day as an exam from my career and I have to change the English one to other day).
Be awesome everybody, I let you a song (that, by the way, I can play it with my guitar) which makes me happy:
I'm back after a rest, the blog didn't dissapear, I just changed the name to "paoheahisufh" or something like that, but I'm try to keep it active. Well, more or less, cause I still have 4 exams left plus an English oral exam.
News: I have been 6 months with the best girl in the planet. Some people thought that the language was going to be a problem, but "Jag är Svensk!". Not really, but I'm learning some Swedish, I know how to ask for beer, I invented the word "laxsex" trying to say a fast sentence which is "Six laxar i en laxask" or something like that, at least that's how you would pronounce it. I find the Swedish logic, too many vocals, but logic hehe.
And I'm so glad to that girl. She makes me wake up smiling in the morning and helps me to study and work as hard as I can so I can have some free time to spend with her.
Anne (Simone's mother), I'd really like to go over there :) I think you can't imagine how much. I'll go as soon as I can, I promise.
That's all, I'm going back to study and try to solve a thing (I have the English exam the same day as an exam from my career and I have to change the English one to other day).
Be awesome everybody, I let you a song (that, by the way, I can play it with my guitar) which makes me happy:
Monday, May 3, 2010
Surprise surprise!
I'm here again people! And I have a surprise :)
It's overall a surprise for the girl in my heart, a thing that you can touch. Well, two things that you can touch, and more people too.
Hehe, don't think in the wrong way, it's not that sexual, well, it depends how fetish you are, but a lot of people see them three days a week. Whatever, maybe she likes it or she doesn't, but it's funny everyway :)
Oh, and I have "Bridget Jones Diary" to read for my English oral test... I think it's not the kind of book I like, but whatever, I'm open minded.
Aparte de eso no se si me dejo algo... Ahora hay asambleas y manifestaciones por culpa de unas leyes nuevas que no nos gustan a los estudiantes, además los exámenes se acercan cada vez más, es decir, mucho café, dormir poco y aprovechar el tiempo al máximo! Esperemos que el trabajo y el esfuerzo den su recompensa, yo creo que si :)
Sed sublimes siempre!
It's overall a surprise for the girl in my heart, a thing that you can touch. Well, two things that you can touch, and more people too.
Hehe, don't think in the wrong way, it's not that sexual, well, it depends how fetish you are, but a lot of people see them three days a week. Whatever, maybe she likes it or she doesn't, but it's funny everyway :)
Oh, and I have "Bridget Jones Diary" to read for my English oral test... I think it's not the kind of book I like, but whatever, I'm open minded.
Aparte de eso no se si me dejo algo... Ahora hay asambleas y manifestaciones por culpa de unas leyes nuevas que no nos gustan a los estudiantes, además los exámenes se acercan cada vez más, es decir, mucho café, dormir poco y aprovechar el tiempo al máximo! Esperemos que el trabajo y el esfuerzo den su recompensa, yo creo que si :)
Sed sublimes siempre!
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Guitar Hero!
I have a guitar hero: Simone!
hehe, today I haven't talked too much with her, I'd like to do but well, I guess she wants to sleep or something
But yesterday I teached her how to play the guitar!! I was alone at home with my little brother, so I had to take care of him and I couldn't go out, then we had a little concert :) It was the first time I improvise in front of other person, so she decides how I was.
I have been studying a lot, I read an English book and took notes from it (cause I have to prepare it for an oral English exam) but I'm happy.
So, let's start one of the longest weeks ever, I have to work a lot in the laboratory this week, like 4 hours each day for two days and two hours tomorrow with the computers plus a lot of hours of class, 3 hours of training and study as much as posible.
Be awesome, everybody!
hehe, today I haven't talked too much with her, I'd like to do but well, I guess she wants to sleep or something
But yesterday I teached her how to play the guitar!! I was alone at home with my little brother, so I had to take care of him and I couldn't go out, then we had a little concert :) It was the first time I improvise in front of other person, so she decides how I was.
I have been studying a lot, I read an English book and took notes from it (cause I have to prepare it for an oral English exam) but I'm happy.
So, let's start one of the longest weeks ever, I have to work a lot in the laboratory this week, like 4 hours each day for two days and two hours tomorrow with the computers plus a lot of hours of class, 3 hours of training and study as much as posible.
Be awesome, everybody!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
from my phone
ok, let's try. I'm writing from my phone. In bed.
Still today it was a very long day and I can just fall asleep and drop the phone to the bed hehe. But nice day, i like to work on things (maybe cause they are things that i like, like designing things for aeroplanes and so).
I was going to talk about some swedish words, but better tomorrow hehe, it's a hard but logic language :)
¿Askling? Well, Simone, drink a lot of water cause heat is here, ok?
Yes, we have been in 33 degrees and qimono is having headache cause of the heat, but for spanish that's nice, compared with the summer hehe.
Be awesome!
And drink 2 liters of water everyday!
Still today it was a very long day and I can just fall asleep and drop the phone to the bed hehe. But nice day, i like to work on things (maybe cause they are things that i like, like designing things for aeroplanes and so).
I was going to talk about some swedish words, but better tomorrow hehe, it's a hard but logic language :)
¿Askling? Well, Simone, drink a lot of water cause heat is here, ok?
Yes, we have been in 33 degrees and qimono is having headache cause of the heat, but for spanish that's nice, compared with the summer hehe.
Be awesome!
And drink 2 liters of water everyday!
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Ja, svenska!
Jag upptäckte att endast två personer som läser min blogg, och båda av dem är svenska, så tack vare Google Translator jag ska försöka skriva på svenska.
Så jag läste qimono blogg och det har betydelse, mer eller mindre, så jag vad om att min svenska inte är för fel.
Det är bara otroligt hur saker kan förändras. Jag trodde att människor var intelligenta djur, så om vi har problem kan vi prata. Det verkar som jag kan inte tala, ja, jag kan, men ingen hör vad jag säger!
Vad har hänt? Den här veckan har jag inte gått ut, den senaste veckan kan jag gå ut så mycket, för nu börjar 24 / 7 studera perioden och det högsta jag ska kunna är kanske ett par timmar på fredag eller lördag. Så berättade Qimono mig att hon var tvungen att arbeta tills torsdag, det jag mest ville var att se henne och visa henne "Feria de Sevilla", slappna av allt och bara ha kul. Jag har inte råd att gå ut varje dag under Feria, så jag måste välja vilka dagar jag ska gå ut.
Fredag: Vi gick till tunnelbanestationen och träffade Nadine på Feria. Jag drack lite alkohol, bara en liten orsak är det starka med mig, jag blir yr med bara en öl, så jag hade ett par koppar (kanske två och en halv, de var mjuka). Allt var bra, då Qimono var tvungen att gå till jobbet den dag hon skulle vara fri, och jag skulle kunna för att gå ut med den viktigaste personen för mig (bortsett från mig, allt kan händer, men jag är ska alltid vara med mig, så jag är viktig för mig själv). Och sedan allt hände. Jag hade för många saker i mitt huvud, Qimono s universitet och de e-postmeddelanden jag skickar och den information jag söker nästan varje dag, mitt universitet och de arbeten och prov jag måste göra, min familj sådant som jag inte tänker berätta här och kampen det som hände förra gången där. Och jag blir arg. Utan ett särskilt men med allt i allmänhet.
Och då blir jag allvarligt och ville inte prata med någon. Och jag var ohövlig att jag inte pratade med någon, och jag sa dumma saker. Mitt beteende var som ett litet barn.
Det är så hemskt att jag inte kan säga "förlåt" till de människor jag var oförskämd med. men jag kan inte! Varför är vi människor? Varför vill vi att prata skicklighet om någon lyssnar?
Så här jag är, wathing "The Simpsons" med min dator. Jag ska äta lunch, förmodligen en kaffe och kanske jag får spela gitarr i 5 minuter före skolan, att få höra något vackert.
Be awesome
Jag upptäckte att endast två personer som läser min blogg, och båda av dem är svenska, så tack vare Google Translator jag ska försöka skriva på svenska.
Så jag läste qimono blogg och det har betydelse, mer eller mindre, så jag vad om att min svenska inte är för fel.
Det är bara otroligt hur saker kan förändras. Jag trodde att människor var intelligenta djur, så om vi har problem kan vi prata. Det verkar som jag kan inte tala, ja, jag kan, men ingen hör vad jag säger!
Vad har hänt? Den här veckan har jag inte gått ut, den senaste veckan kan jag gå ut så mycket, för nu börjar 24 / 7 studera perioden och det högsta jag ska kunna är kanske ett par timmar på fredag eller lördag. Så berättade Qimono mig att hon var tvungen att arbeta tills torsdag, det jag mest ville var att se henne och visa henne "Feria de Sevilla", slappna av allt och bara ha kul. Jag har inte råd att gå ut varje dag under Feria, så jag måste välja vilka dagar jag ska gå ut.
Fredag: Vi gick till tunnelbanestationen och träffade Nadine på Feria. Jag drack lite alkohol, bara en liten orsak är det starka med mig, jag blir yr med bara en öl, så jag hade ett par koppar (kanske två och en halv, de var mjuka). Allt var bra, då Qimono var tvungen att gå till jobbet den dag hon skulle vara fri, och jag skulle kunna för att gå ut med den viktigaste personen för mig (bortsett från mig, allt kan händer, men jag är ska alltid vara med mig, så jag är viktig för mig själv). Och sedan allt hände. Jag hade för många saker i mitt huvud, Qimono s universitet och de e-postmeddelanden jag skickar och den information jag söker nästan varje dag, mitt universitet och de arbeten och prov jag måste göra, min familj sådant som jag inte tänker berätta här och kampen det som hände förra gången där. Och jag blir arg. Utan ett särskilt men med allt i allmänhet.
Och då blir jag allvarligt och ville inte prata med någon. Och jag var ohövlig att jag inte pratade med någon, och jag sa dumma saker. Mitt beteende var som ett litet barn.
Det är så hemskt att jag inte kan säga "förlåt" till de människor jag var oförskämd med. men jag kan inte! Varför är vi människor? Varför vill vi att prata skicklighet om någon lyssnar?
Så här jag är, wathing "The Simpsons" med min dator. Jag ska äta lunch, förmodligen en kaffe och kanske jag får spela gitarr i 5 minuter före skolan, att få höra något vackert.
Be awesome
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Rain again
So yep, it's raining again here in Sevilla. It's raining like the hell! But at least we don't have the cloud from "Islandia", which is stopping all the planes :( (I like aeroplanes cause I'm almost an aeroplane engineer, so...)
It's not like an awesome weather for "Feria", which starts tomorrow night at 12!
Feria is the greatest party here in Sevilla, it's a lot of people drinking white wine, dancing and having fun. All guiris (like Simona was once upon ago, cause now she's not guiri anymore) come here from their countrys to see it, and it's much better if it's not raining.
So, my plans for this Feria are... Study! I should start to study for my exams in June and July, I'd like to pass all of them and I have had enough rest in my opinion. Uhm... Too many things in my head, I have to do a few of them. Maybe next week some of them are finally solved.
Do always be awesome!
It's not like an awesome weather for "Feria", which starts tomorrow night at 12!
Feria is the greatest party here in Sevilla, it's a lot of people drinking white wine, dancing and having fun. All guiris (like Simona was once upon ago, cause now she's not guiri anymore) come here from their countrys to see it, and it's much better if it's not raining.
So, my plans for this Feria are... Study! I should start to study for my exams in June and July, I'd like to pass all of them and I have had enough rest in my opinion. Uhm... Too many things in my head, I have to do a few of them. Maybe next week some of them are finally solved.
Do always be awesome!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Epic fail!
Yeah well, not that epic but it certainly was a fail...
It was simple, we (Simona and I) had to go from Prado to another place and yesterday I looked the map at google, I saw the building that was next to the place we were going in "google street view"... So! We arrived to a building which was exactly the fucking same! >_<
We had to walk a little and we arrived finally to the right place, so mission accomplised (or it is accomplished?), well, whatever. The thing is that it looks so extremely easy for her to get into a career here in Spain, cause she has very good marks there in Sweden and like her house is far away I think she'll have a great beca to live, study and eat here for free (lots of friends of mine have it and their family live in Andalucia so...)
From now it's her choice and of course I'll help her in whatever decission she takes if it's necessary, cause I'm her boyfriend, which is not only the "boy" part, it means that I'm also the "friend" part.
I know I haven't wrote in weeks but well, I forgot :p
See you soon everybody and have awesomes days :)
It was simple, we (Simona and I) had to go from Prado to another place and yesterday I looked the map at google, I saw the building that was next to the place we were going in "google street view"... So! We arrived to a building which was exactly the fucking same! >_<
We had to walk a little and we arrived finally to the right place, so mission accomplised (or it is accomplished?), well, whatever. The thing is that it looks so extremely easy for her to get into a career here in Spain, cause she has very good marks there in Sweden and like her house is far away I think she'll have a great beca to live, study and eat here for free (lots of friends of mine have it and their family live in Andalucia so...)
From now it's her choice and of course I'll help her in whatever decission she takes if it's necessary, cause I'm her boyfriend, which is not only the "boy" part, it means that I'm also the "friend" part.
I know I haven't wrote in weeks but well, I forgot :p
See you soon everybody and have awesomes days :)
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
First feel
Hi everybody
That's my new blog and I have to go to class right now so I won`t talk so much.
Probably I'll write almost all the blog in English, cause I want, maybe something in Spanish.
I just have to say that, like I'm awesome, this weekend I found my sister in law lost bag and I passed another engineering exam :)
So, over here sky is cloudy, but don't you worry, next week it will be fine to do Snowboard!
Don't be sad, be awesome instead.
That's my new blog and I have to go to class right now so I won`t talk so much.
Probably I'll write almost all the blog in English, cause I want, maybe something in Spanish.
I just have to say that, like I'm awesome, this weekend I found my sister in law lost bag and I passed another engineering exam :)
So, over here sky is cloudy, but don't you worry, next week it will be fine to do Snowboard!
Don't be sad, be awesome instead.
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