Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Sex laxar i en laxask

More or less, this was the first thing I knew in Svenska haha.

Missing day, today it wasn't the best day ever, studying, but it's too hot to study, I'm sweating all time even with my fan... But whatever. I adjusted my guitar in a 5 minutes rest, so probably I'll record something after exams, or maybe on monday (Mandag).

So well, I hope that the universitary girl is having fun today hehe.

Jag saknar dig älskling, vi kommer att klara detta med avståndet.

Let's put some awesome and great music:

I'll try at least to put an awesome song everyday, if I can get the computer :)

Be water my friend!


  1. ¡Hola!
    Long time no... something? Thaha.
    I'm rather well, though, at the moment I'm having a cold. And how are you? :)

  2. Babe, why are my sister's comments getting published and not mine?

  3. Ah! Ahora entiendo! I have commented a lot but I guess they were never published :(
