Saturday, December 25, 2010

Feliz Navidad!

I hope you all are having nice holidays :)
Here is cold (from 7 to 9 degrees, yes, that's considered cold in Sevilla) but it's being a good time. We had dinner in family last night, we ate fish (a big one for each one) and today we are having awesome meat for lunch.

So, what did I got for Christmas? I got a new calculator (yes, I have been calculating things all day, but it's awesome!), a pair of very warm zapatillas and a pair of thin (but warm) gloves. They are not thick as my snowboard gloves (that are the one that I'll need there) but they work very good for Spanish winter :)

Later we will go to the cinema! :)

Have awesome holidays!

Oh! When I came back home last night I discovered Santa Claus putting presents under the tree!!