Thursday, September 1, 2011

Swedish Summer Adventure: Part 1

So, today I did my first (out of 5) exams in the first 2 weeks of September, yes, they are a lot, but that happens when I get marks like 4.5 and so... But this one went fine I think so, let's be positive.

I also was doing exams when day "D" was closer and closer, the day that I'd leave to Sweden for 3 weeks. My longest holidays from 4 years ago! With the girl I love and care (and miss now that I'm that far away) so much. I did the last exam at my uni (and I failed it, let's be honest, I made stupid mistakes) and 2 days after it I was at 5 a.m. in Malaga airport, waiting for the Ryanair flight to open the door. The flight had no surprises, not like my last one when a South-American old man was talking to me about that he was a famous song writer and also a mason boss... I just had 2 honeymooners sleeping against the front sit by my side, so I couldn't move. Flight arrived way sooner than expected, I love to flight with the wind blowing on my ass (my aeroplane ass), it's way faster but the aeroplane doesn't know it (maybe I write about this one day).

My first days there were at "casa de Kjell", I tried new food and Swedish barbecue stile. I have to say that in Spain we don't use sauce and we only barbecue if there is a lot of people, we use to go to the fields where it's allowed (we even have some barbecues there). So, middle east food, barbecue, meat pie, Simone's friends and even a castle. All of that in places that look from a fairy tale. You have so beautiful views there, so much green nature and an awesome Summer temperature (I have to say that I sweat very easily with the heat, so I prefer not that hot temperatures). But I have to say that my best first days experience was probably the ride in the Mustang. I love cars, I love everything that has an engine and runs. Its sound was music for my ears and the feeling was so different to any other car I have been in. Mr Kjell has a very good taste in cars.
Another great experience, that I had before, was pancakes! They are so good and I didn't kill any of them when turning them on the other side! Naps, rides on bike, also on canoa on the lake! There is another story with the canoa hehe... But well, we are all sane and sound. And in nights films from ICA! The first time I go to a supermarket to rent movies! I had a really nice experience these first days and I was very happy to see again Simone's family (I even saw her sister throught Skype hehe).

Now it's time for Spanish dinner, which is not at 18:00, it's at 21:30 haha!
Keep awesomeness alive!

1 comment:

  1. Min fina pojke, it's so nice to see that you appreciate things that I take for granted.
    I love that about you :)
