Monday, April 30, 2012

Getting things done

Starting to finish some projects, now there are only 3 more to do (I have done 5 already) for June-July and 3 more for September that I hope to do during Summer.
I think I'm progressing in Swedish, despite my level is still quite basic, I think I was expecting too much for this semester with Her here in the Swedish field, but well, despite that I'm learning more things about Swedish culture and way of life, places to work as an engineer and where I could be good at.
This second part of the course is also revealing me what I do prefer and what I don't like. It seems I love automatic control and they have a few positions in Saab, in Linköping, that's quite good. Even better when it's related to aeronautical engineering :-D

But I still have another year here in Sevilla, so let's see how everything goes. I have already applied to do a part time job in an aeronautical company, as an internship for 6 months.

Away from that, everything is going fine here, the weather is not the best right now but it's not too hot, so that's good (in Sevilla you don't want it to be too hot, believe me).

Be awesome!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Feria week in Sevilla. The week that is the centre of the lifes of people from Sevilla.

What is Feria? You may ask...
Feria is a whole week of party that started (long time ago) as an animal market. Kind of what it is today, animals go there (but they are humans) and stay there all day eating and drinking.
Feria is highly related to miarmas. The "real" (the physical place where Feria is) is in the heart of the miarma neighbourhood in the city. It's miarmas territory and you can notice it as soon as you see a bunch of people going to Feria.
There we find the "Casetas", that are the places where miarmas get drunk and full of food. They are private most of them. Public ones don't use to be good (or safe). Despite it's kind of miarma, you should try the caseta experience. They use to play flamenco music, dance sevillanas (a dance from Sevilla) and everything is full of colour. There you have to try rebujito, which is the official drink in Feria. It's basically a kind of white wine from the South of Spain mixed with white soda, it's good and refreshing.

At the end of the day, after dinner, when your body is destroyed, you should try the best way to kill next day hangover: Churros con chocolate.
They can be found in a few places around Feria, it means the end of the night and time to get the metro or the bus and go home.

As I'm lately trying always, a couple of pictures of yesterday's Feria:

The Portada, the main entry to the Feria

Dinner, fried fish, montaditos, picos and rebujito

Crowded street where you can see a few casetas

Be awesome!

Sunday, April 22, 2012


Itálica is an old Roman city, built next to Sevilla (Hispalis for the Romans). Three emperors were born there: Trajano, Adriano and Teodosio. So the city got some importance and there we were to learn from it and take some pictures.

It was such a beautiful and nice day the one of yesterday, the sun was shining and the birds were singing. Soon it will get too hot to do things like that, so let's enjoy it until that moment.

Some of the pictures of yesterday:

Old Roman public baths

Roman bread oven

One floor Roman house called Domus

Me in the Arena, ready to beat some gladiators

She in the Arena, showing us where the beasts where hidden

That was it, now is a day to work hard on some fluids and aerodinamics. Be awesome!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Today's job

I let you part of today's job, 3D sketch and structural FEM (Finite Elements Method) analysis of an honeycomb shell with aluminium beams:

Everything is fine over here, my throat hurts a bit but I'll survive. It's being a week full of hard work. I hope all of you are fine!
Be awesome!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Free week - Working week

This one is a free-of-classes week, which means that I should use the time I have to work as hard as I can and study as much as I'm able. Why? Because, honestly, I want to pass all the subjects I have for this semester and get rid of my studies by next year, which implies a lot of effort.
I'm getting some projects finished, which means a bit of air for  me to breathe, but I cannot relax as much as I would like. It is not easy and nobody said it would be, so we must keep rocking.

I hope everything is going awesome for you my readers, be awesome and don't be shy, I appreciate your comments :-)

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Useful word if you are visiting Sevilla: Miarma.

If you know a tad of Spanish, you may understand "mi arma", which translated into English means "my weapon". But don't get wrong, it comes from "mi alma"-> "my soul", what a change, hu?

It's frecuently used at the end of sentences, by people who has always lived in Sevilla and who have a strong traditional-Sevilla family. But that's not the only use or meaning of the word.

People from the rest of Andalucía or España can also use that word, "miarma", to talk about anyone from Sevilla. That's what I want to talk to you about, the traditional "miarma" from Sevilla.

You can difference the traditional miarma from the rest of people so easily. Their hair (if they have) looks like plastic against their heads. They use to be shaved and their clothes are the same always: bright brown pants, dark blue jacket, bright blue shirt with a red tie (or red and yellow), a belt with the colours of the Spanish flag and nautic shoes.

If you get close to one of them you'll notice such a strong smell to their perfume, it seems they love to get a bath of perfume before going out. They also have their particular way of speaking, instead of "una cerveza, por favor" they say "niño, una sssservesssita cuando pueda miarma". They pronounce their "s" as if it would save their lifes from the Devil.

The traditional miarma loves Semana Santa, Feria and "Romerías". Not because they are religious, but because they love "sssservessssita" and it's such a great chance to meet other miarmas and get drunk. They are not dangerous, not at all. Their politic view uses to be conservative and narrow-tight to religion (catholic, of course). They are not bad, they are just as they are, special.

So, that's it, miarma, miarmas and their way of life.
Be awesome, miarma!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Back home!

Back home after some days on holidays!
My family, Simone and me went on some holidays to the beach, the one that you can see in the picture:

We could have some moments of nice weather, visited some old Roman buildings like the theatre below:
Or some new friends we did:
 And of course, as we were that close, we visited Gibraltar!
Today I'm tired so I'll let you with the pictures. I'll try to write more now that I'm back in the city.
Be awesome!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Feliz Semana Santa!

That's how this week is called in Spanish: Semana Santa.
It's a holiday week for students that means a break in the second semester but it also means that you must start studying hard for June exams (I have 8 this June...).
I'm working hard, got done a couple of projects, one of them right now (well, I still have to write a summary of what I have done). It is an automatic control for a misil/rocket, using Simulink and Matlab.
The weather is not the nicest, it can rain, that makes me happy because we need it so badly and that makes people who love the Semana Santa sad and cry because they cannot walk with their wooden virgins and Jesus Christs. Bad luck for them, but there are more important things in life than walking next to a wooden statue of a virgin.
This last weekend we have been in Málaga, ¡la Costa del Sol!, visiting my family and some friends, having a relaxed weekend away from the things going on in Sevilla.
Be awesome!