Sunday, November 28, 2010

Day arrived!

So, here we are after dinner with svenskita flicka and now we (me) will interview her!

A: How are you? How was the flight?
S: I am doing fantastic, here in the sofa next to my fina pojke<3 And the flight... Well, it was ok, pretty boring to be on a plane for 4 hours, but I knew that it would all be worth it for some time with my pojke :)
A: What did you feel when you saw him waiting to you in the airport?
S: I was overwhelmed by so many feelings! I was feeling so happy and yes, I cried a little, but it is great to be back with him. I think he felt that I was happy when he saw me and I could not speak, just show my feelings through hugs and kisses.
A: He couldn't talk either, so many things to say. How was your day today with him?
S: It was a great day! To wake up with him was so wonderful! Later in the day we took the metro to Sevilla and went for a walk before my sweet boy invited me for lunch, so very romantic! I loved that! It's so great to spend time with him! <3!
A: He is so fascinated to spend days of his life with you too. Now let's check some pictures from the past.
Let's stop writing and enjoy our time here :)

Have an awesome day! But I'm pretty sure it won't be as awesome as mine!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Svensk food!

I'm learning about Swedish culture hehe, well, about the food, which is one of the things I most like in the world haha.

Well, I'm working a lot on the university. Class are hard but well, I prefer them hard cause if not I get bored and don't study.

Just 9 days until min flicka arrive. So impatient.

Oh, I found that I liked how the "Flygande Jacob" looks, it's like a svensk-awesome lasagna haha. Well, that's a bit of what I can say. I read a lot of things about meals and drinks in Sweden.

Have awesome days!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

12 days, 11 months

What I think about mostly hehe.

What to do in a weekend? Just study, watch the Formula 1 and study again! I have the first exam on Tuesday, let's see how it goes :)

What to tell the world... I'm waiting so much the moment I see her again. We will be together the day that we met, but a year after we met, that's so great!

More things... F1! Not good for Alonso (favourite racer) but Red Bull Racing did such a great thing today! They focused the attention in Mark Webber and made Vettel to win the championship! It's like a magic trick, you focus people attention in left hand while you change the card with the right. They just played with Ferrari.

Be awesome!

Monday, November 8, 2010


What do I do on Mondays? Nice question my awesome reader!
I start the day at 7:00, tidy my room a bit, open windows (it's not cold here, well, it's getting cold but I stand it perfectly, from 11ºC to 18ºC, awesome temperature), wash my face with cold water and say hello to everybody in my house except my bro, which is still lazy in bed with his door open. Incredible! 7:00 it's the perfect hour to wake up! 7 is an awesome number, not like 8 which can be divided by 2 and 4.

I study for like a half an hour until 8, then I have first breakfast. Coffee to make my brain work, between 2 and 4 slices of bread with something on it and if I feel like, something sweet like cookies (en español: galletas). I brush my teeth and it's 8:30. Then I study fluids mechanics till 11:00, I stop and I have my second breakfast, a sandwich and maybe another coffee or a tea (I found that it's awesome too). Continue with fluids mechanics until 13:30 when I start cooking.

I have to be honest. I don't really cook, well, maybe fried potatoes. I just warm the food and eat it, which is my favourite part. I love eating food that I have cooked/warmed. Also food that other people have cooked. I follow the mediterranean diet but I eat enough to feed 1 and a half normal people cause I'm always hungry!

Then go to the uni, lot of traffic, people are really bad at driving! It's like if they had no hands or something and they drive with the mouth on the steering wheel! Whatever, I arrive to the parking, park and go to a computer to write something to Simone.

Class, a lot of class and then more class (well, today only 2, 3 hours of class, but they are heavy). Go back home and then that's the monent of the day. I'm in my car with the awesome temperature. It's already night and city lights are on. I drive over a very big bridge from which you can see all the city and it starts to sound in the radio "Wish you were here" from one of my favourites groups ever "Pink Floyd". Just driving feeling the air, having a brain-rest and listening to such a master piece of art.

Then arrive home, study a bit more untill I have to go to swim and today it was the hardest training ever! I'm getting more in fit (that's why I need to eat that much, cause training is hard and makes me be always hungry). Go back home, have dinner (¡tortilla de patatas!) put swimming things to dry and voila, it's 23:00 and another day less to see min fin, söt flicka.

That's what there is about me, that's why I'm that busy. But I need that, I need to do things or otherwise I'd be bored. So if I don't write that much in the blog now you know why!

Have awesome days and enjoy life, even winter can be awesome!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Getting a ticket to Skavsta

I'll book with Ryanair, so to Skavsta.

They asked what do I want as a Christmas present and I said a ticket to go to Sweden. I already said them like a month ago.

Tickets for February are still cheap but I'd loose a week of class. That week is not really important but I'm not the one who decide the dates. They said me to go there in Semana Santa, which is in April.
I want you to know that I'm going there, but since I'm not the one who have the money I'm not the one who decide when, please understand that. In Semana Santa is more expensive so I'll try to convince them.

That will be my first travel to Sweden. I'll full pay the second one and I'll decide when :)

I miss you Simone and want to see all your Swedish family and friends (and your father's car).

Be awesome!

Monday, November 1, 2010


Seventh week.
I will start exams in two weeks, also have to work on computers and on the laboratory, the uni takes so much time, but whatever, I like it and I got a book for free (cause I'm sneaky and I copied it hehe).

My brain will complain, but whatever, I can always give him more coffee so he will work. I discovered that italian expresso coffee is my favourite kind of that awesome drink.
So, I'm in the middle of the way to end this first part of the course.

And the most awesome thing ever is that I'll see Simone in 26 days!

Have awesome days!