Monday, May 3, 2010

Surprise surprise!

I'm here again people! And I have a surprise :)
It's overall a surprise for the girl in my heart, a thing that you can touch. Well, two things that you can touch, and more people too.

Hehe, don't think in the wrong way, it's not that sexual, well, it depends how fetish you are, but a lot of people see them three days a week. Whatever, maybe she likes it or she doesn't, but it's funny everyway :)

Oh, and I have "Bridget Jones Diary" to read for my English oral test... I think it's not the kind of book I like, but whatever, I'm open minded.

Aparte de eso no se si me dejo algo... Ahora hay asambleas y manifestaciones por culpa de unas leyes nuevas que no nos gustan a los estudiantes, además los exámenes se acercan cada vez más, es decir, mucho café, dormir poco y aprovechar el tiempo al máximo! Esperemos que el trabajo y el esfuerzo den su recompensa, yo creo que si :)

Sed sublimes siempre!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Guitar Hero!

I have a guitar hero: Simone!

hehe, today I haven't talked too much with her, I'd like to do but well, I guess she wants to sleep or something

But yesterday I teached her how to play the guitar!! I was alone at home with my little brother, so I had to take care of him and I couldn't go out, then we had a little concert :) It was the first time I improvise in front of other person, so she decides how I was.

I have been studying a lot, I read an English book and took notes from it (cause I have to prepare it for an oral English exam) but I'm happy.

So, let's start one of the longest weeks ever, I have to work a lot in the laboratory this week, like 4 hours each day for two days and two hours tomorrow with the computers plus a lot of hours of class, 3 hours of training and study as much as posible.

Be awesome, everybody!